Best of Young Romance, Challengers of the Unknown, Superman's Pal Jimmy Olson - Jack Kirby (3 points)

Out of Jack Kirby's work, I read Best of Young Romance, Challengers of the Unknown, and Superman's Pal Jimmy Olson. The latter two were quite the experience for me as I haven't read much superhero comics, especially the older ones by Jack Kirby. Challengers of the Unknown at first seemed pretty standard, as the premise was one I've seen time and time again. It wasn't till I reread information about it that I learned that this was the original version of the Fantastic Four before Kirby reworked it for Marvel. It made a whole lot of sense, as a lot of the team dynamics seemed similar. Superman's Pal Jimmy Olson was really interesting to me because I had no idea who Jimmy Olson was. Reading the comic, it's quite funny to see Superman be a little more humorous and not as serious. It's also eye-opening to see a side character get some of the spotlight for a bit.

Lastly, I read Young Romance. This really surprised me as I had no idea that Jack Kirby started out by drawing romance comics. I have a lot of experience reading romance, so I was excited to see older romance comics. The art is really nice at times, but some of the stories were kind of weird and funny at times. It's pretty obvious that these comics were written by a guy attempting to aim the stories at a female audience. But his writing makes it seem like he's trying to throw moral lessons here and there, but some of them come off as either misogynistic or plain weird. 


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